Carti si manuale

  1. Geometrie diferentiala cu aplicatii in teoria relativitatii, Ed.Acad.,1983, 196p.

  2. Curs de geometrie diferentiala, I, Tipografia Univ. Bucuresti, 1981, 308p.

  3. Capitole speciale de teoria relativitatii, Tipografia Univ. Bucuresti, fasc.I (1975), l06p, fasc.II (1978), 84p.

  4. Probleme de geometrie si trigonometrie (lucrare in colaborare) Ed. Did. si Ped., Bucuresti, 1983, 288p.

  5. Conexiuni pe varietati (lucrare in colaborare), Tipografia Univ. Bucuresti, 1980.

  6. Capitole speciale de geometrie diferentiala (lucrare in colaborare), Tipografia Univ.Bucuresti, 1981, 252p.

  7. Capitole speciale de geometrie diferentiala si teoria relativitatii, Tipografia Univ.Bucuresti, 1985, 146p.

  8. Culegere de probleme pentru admiterea in invatamantul superior (lucrare in colaborare), Ed.Stiintifica si Enciclopedica, 1988, 878 p.

  9. Probleme de algebra matematica si geometrie (lucrare in colaborare), Cartea Romaneasca, 199l, 528p.

  10. Matematica, manual cl. a-X-a (cu M.Tena si N.Marin), Ed. Corint, 2000, 248p.

  11. Matematica, manual cl IX (cu C.Chites &D.Petriceanu),Ed.Art,2005

  12. Riemannian Submersions and Related Topics (cu L.Falcitelli & AM Pastore), River Edge,N.J. World Scientific, xiii, 280 p. ( 2004)

Articole stiintifice

  1. Scufundarea matricii Reissner-Weyl, Com.Acad. RPR tom XIII, 10 (1963), p.857-862.

  2. Asupra scufundarii spatiului-timp Reissner-Weyl intr-un spatiu pseodoeuclidian E6, Stud. Cercet. Mat. tom.XV, 6(1964), p.671-676.

  3. Asupra spatiului-timp a lui De Sitter, Stud. si Cercet. Mat., tom.XVII , 1161-1168 (1965).

  4. Asupra unor spatii fara torsiune, Stud. si Cercet. Mat., tom XIX, 6(1967), p.845-851.

  5. Asupra spatiului A2 de prima specie de caracteristici drepte, (cu I.Teodorescu), Stud. si Cercet. Mat., tom.XXI, 4(1969), p.665-674.

  6. Asupra fibrarii tangente a unei varietati diferentiale, (cu C.Udriste), Stud. si Cercet. Mat., tom XXII (1970), p.599-611.

  7. Distributii paralele pe varietati cu conexiune afina, Anal. Univ. Bucuresti, XIX, 2(1970), p.75-81.

  8. Asupra spatiului Einstein cu simetrie sferica, (cu L.Nicolescu, N.Nedita), Anal. Univ. Buc., CIV 1(1967), p.103-107.

  9. Sur les structures presque produit des varietes a conexion lineaire, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, tom. 272(1971), p.734-735.

  10. Some almost product structeres on manifolds with linear connections, Kodai, Math. Sem. Reports 23(1971), p 303-310.

  11. Asupra unor distributii pe fibrarile tangente, Stud. si Cercet. Mat. XXIII, 6 (1971), p.873-888.

  12. Quelques remarques sue l'espace fibre tangent d'une varietee cosymplectique, Anal. st. Univ. "Al.I.Cuza" l7(1971), p.465-471.

  13. Sulla geometria della varieta cossimpletiche, Relazione nr.l8 Institute di Matematica dell'Universita di Napoli, 1972, p.42.

  14. Sulle varieta di Cauchy-Riemann, Rend. Dell'Academia de Scienze di Napoli, 39(1972), p.191-195.

  15. Sulle strutture canoniche delle spazio fibrato tangente di una varieta riemanniana, Rend. Mat. et Appl. Roma, 6(1973), 01, p.75-96.

  16. Varietes para-Kahleriennes structurées par une connexion geodesique, (cu R.Rosca), C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, tome 280(1975) p.1621-l623.

  17. Sulla struttura fogliata di una varieta cosimplettica, Bull.Math. RSR, tom. 20(1977), 1, p.125-130.

  18. Some remarkable structures on product of an almost contact metric manifolds with the real line, (cu D.Smaranda), Lucrarile Colocviului National de Geometrie si Topologie Timisoara (1977), p.107-110.

  19. Space-time carrying a quasirecurrent pairing of vector fields, (cu R.Rosca) General Relativity and Gravitation 8 (1977), no.7, p.411-420.

  20. Asupra prelungirii unei imersii Riemann la fibratul tangent, Simpozionul National "Gh. Titeica", 1978, p.81-88.

  21. Cauchy-Riemann structures on f-manifolds, Notices A.M.S., 25 (1978) 6, A 500.

  22. Isotropic Distributions on some Riemann manifolds, (cu V.Boju, M.Popescu), Spatii neolonome Ed.Academiei (1979), p.149-155.

  23. On the Vranceanu's nonholonomic connection, (cu I.Popovici) An. St. Univ. "Al.I.Cuza", 26 (1980), 2, p.389-394.

  24. Some submanifolds of tangent bundles, The Procced. Nat. Sem. on Finsler Spaces, 1980, p.69-76.

  25. Asupra conexiunilor Titeica generalizate, Studii si cercet. Mat. 33 (1981), 4, p.439-443.

  26. Asupra V-conexiunilor, (cu I.Popovici), Colocv. Nat. Geom. Top., Tipografia Univ.Craiova, (1981) p.171-177

  27. On the holomorphic sectional curvature of the Kahlerian Finsler spaces, (cu S.Dragomir) The Proceed. Nat. Geom. Finsler spaces, Brasov 1982, Soc. St. Mat. RSR, Bucuresti, 1982.

  28. Linear pseudoconnections on the tangent bundle of a differential manifold, Bull. Math. RSR, 28 (1984) p.235-249 (cu L.Falcitelli, A.M.Pastore).

  29. Gh.Vranceanu - Un precursor al geometriei diferentiale globale (cu I.Popovici), Anal.Univ.Buc. 29 (1980) p.109-116.

  30. Varietati paracontact si subvarietati semi-invariante in varietati metrice paracontact, Lucrarile Colocviului National Geometrie si Topologie, Busteni 1981, Tipografia Univ. Bucuresti, 1983, p.160-170 (in colab. cu I.Mihai).

  31. On the holomorphic sectional curvature a Kahlerian Finsler spaces, (cu S.Dragomir), Homagial volume Kawaguchi, Tensor 39(1982) p.95-98.

  32. On the semi invariant submanifolds in an almost paracontact riemannian manifolds, (cu I.Mihai) Homagial Vol. Kawaguchi, Tensor 39(1982), p.195-200.

  33. Almost complex structures associated to a Finsler connection, (cu S.Dragomir) Procedings National Colloquim on Geometry and Topology, to the 108-th anniversary of Bolyai-Janos, September 7-10, 1982, p.51-57 (1984).

  34. Curvature of the Kahlerian Finsler Spaces, (cu S.Dragomir), The Proceeding National Seminar on Finsler Spaces, Brasov 1982, Tipografia Univ. Brasov, 1983, p.99-108.

  35. Asupra unor spatii Einstein, Al IV-lea Simpozion de analiza functionala si aplicatii, Tipografia Univ. Craiova, 1983 p.277-280.

  36. Asupra tensorului Einstein, (colab. cu P.Stavre), idem p.281-285.

  37. Curvature of Kahlerian spaces II, (cu S.Dragomir), Rendiconti di Matematica, Roma, VII, 3(1983), p.757-764.

  38. On the geometry of the almost complex spaces, Note di Matemat 3 (1983), p.159-172.

  39. Complex hypersurfaces of product of two cosymplectic manifolds, (cu M.Capursi) Bull. Math. Soc. R.S.Romania 28(1984), p.299-310.

  40. Complex hypersurfaces of some Kahler manifolds, (cu M.Capursi) Lucrarile Conferintei Nationale de geometrie si topologie, Tipografia Univ. Timisoara, 1984, p.28-32.

  41. A note on hupersurfaces of a Wagner space, Proceedings of Romanian - Japanese Colloquim on Finsler Geometry, 1984, p.85–97.

  42. Geometrie si relativitate in volumul Matematica in lumea de azi si de maine, Acad.RSR, 1985, p.165-169.

  43. On the scalar curvature of a complex hypersurfaces of product of two cosymplectic space forms, (cu M.Capursi), Tensor N.S., 42 (1985) p.131-136.

  44. Almost semi-invariant submanifolds of some almost paracontact Riemannian manifolds, (cu M.Matsumoto and I.Mihai), Bull.Yamagata Univ. 11(1985), p.121-128.

  45. On complex hypersurfaces of product of two cosymplectic manifolds II, (cu M.Capursi), Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. RSR, 22(1985), p.215-224.

  46. Critical associated matrics on symplectic manifolds, (cu D.E.Blair), Contemporary Mathematics 51, American Math.Society, (1986), p.23-29.

  47. Spontaneous Compactification Induced by non-linear Scalar Dynamics, Guage fields and submersions, (cu M.Visinescu), Class Quantum Grav. (Oxford) 3(1986), p.889-896.

  48. Recent results in defferential Geometry of a Complex Hypersurface (in Romanian) National Conference on Geometry and Topology, Targoviste, 1986, Bucharest Univ. Press, 1987, p.111-137.

  49. On Sasakian manifolds which admit certain tensor fields, (cu K.Matsumoto, I.Mihai), Publications Mathematice, Debrecen, 33 (1989), p.199-204.

  50. On certain vector fields in locally Kahler manifolds, (cu K.Matsumoto, L.Ornea), Bull.Yamagata Univ., 11 (1987), p.335-344.

  51. On Cauchy-Riemann submanifolds of a nearly cosymplectic manifolds, Homagial vol. A.Kawaguchi (1987), Tensor 46, p.291-296.

  52. Kaluza-Klein Theory with scalar fields and generalized Hopf manifolds, (cu M.Visinescu) Class. Quantum Grav. 4(1987), p.1917-1325.

  53. On complex hypersurfaces of a generalized Hopf manifold, (cu L.Ornea, K.Matsumoto), Publ. I'Inst.Math. 42 (56), 1987, p.123-129.

  54. Remarks on Contact Cauchy-Riemann Submanifolds of a closely cosymplectic manifolds, (cu M.Capursi) in volume "Differential Geometry and its Applications", (Editor M.Prvanonic) 1989, p.91-98.

  55. Space-time compactification and Riemannian submersion, (cu M.Visinescu) in volume "The Mathematical Heritage of C.F.Gauss" (ed. T.Rassias), World Scientific Press, 1991, p.358-371.

  56. The Geometry of the Dual of a Vector Bundle, (cu R.Miron, A.Anastasiei), Publ. Institut Math. (Beograd), 46 (1989), p.145-162.

  57. Space-time compactification induced by scalar fields and cosymplectic structures, (cu M.Visinescu) Revu Roum. Phys. 35(1990), p.317-325.

  58. Kaluza-Klein Theories and Riemannian Submersions (cu M.Visinescu), Studies in gravitation theory, CIP Press (1988), p.23-44

  59. A class of Anti-Invariant submanifolds in a Hopf generalized manifolds, (cu L.Ornea) Bul. Math. Soc. Math. RSR 34 (1990), p.115-123.

  60. A certain symmetric F-connection in l.c.Kahler manifolds, (cu K.Matsumoto, L.Ornea), Bull. Yamagata Univ. 12(1991), p.299-306.

  61. On the Vranceanu connection, (cu A.Bejancu, K.Duggal) in Differential Geometry and Topology, applications in Physics and technics. Polytechnic Inst. Bucharest Sci. Bull. 53 (1991) 39-49.

  62. Extrinsic spheres on generalized Hopf manifolds, (cu L.Ornea), Proceed. 20-th NCGT, Timisoara (1991), p.95-99.

  63. Immersions spheriques dans une variété de Hopf generalisée, (cu K.Matsumoto, L.Ornea), C.R.Acad. Paris, t.316 (1993), p.63-66.

  64. A class of Anti invariant submanifolds in a Hopf generalized manifolds, (cu L.Ornea) Bull. Math. Soc. Romania (1990), p.115-123.

  65. Harmonic Maps on f-manifolds with Semi-Riemannian metrics, (cu K.Duggal, A.M.Pastore) Conference on Geometry and Topology, Cluj-Napoca, Sept 26-29 (1993), p.47-55.

  66. Extrinsic Spheres and parallel submanifolds in cosimplectic manifolds, (cu A.Cabras, G.Pitis) Math. Journal Toyama Univ. 17 (1994), p.31-53.

  67. Extrinsic spheres of a generalized Hoph manifold, Publ.Math. (Debrecen) (cu L.Ornea, K.Matsumoto) 44 (1994), p.189-200.

  68. Harmonic Maps on Sasakian and Cosymplectic manifolds, (cu A.M.Pastore) Proceedings of the 24-th NCGT, Timisoara, 1996, p.139-155.

  69. Holomorphic and Harmonic Maps of l.c.k. manifolds, (cu L.Ornea, V.Vuletescu), Bolletino U.M.I. 9-A, 1995, p.569-579.

  70. On harmonic maps on metric f-manifolds, (cu A.M.Pastore) in the 90-th Anniversary of A.Kawaguchi's Birth, 1992 Tensor (N.S) 53, (1995).

  71. Harmonic maps on matric contact manifolds, (cu A.M.Pastore), Annales Math. Blaise Pascal, 2 (1995), p.43-53.

  72. Semi-invariant submanifolds of a generalized Hopf manifold (cu F.Verroca) Rev. Acad. Can. Cienc. 7(1995) f.1 p.23-30.

  73. Submanifolds of almost hermitian manifolds, Riv. Mat. Univ. Parma 3. Conveqno Intern. Geometria Differentiale Analisi Complesa, (1994), p.123-142.

  74. Submanifolds of constant holomorphic deviation, Bulletino UMI, 11-13 (1997) (cu G.B.Rizza), p.115-124.

  75. Some submanifolds of a para-Kahler manifold, (cu G.B.Rizza) Rendiconti Circolo Matem.Palermo vol.47 (1998), p.71-80.

  76. Riemannian Submersions: Recent results relevant to Mathematical Physics (cu A.M.Pastore si M.Visinescu) in New Theoretical Results in Gravity and General Relativity (Ed. D.Vulcanov si I.Cotescu), p.34-48 (1998).

  77. Some Remarks on the nonorientable surfaces (cu I.Barza si D.Ghisa) Publ. l'Institut Math. Tom 63 (1998), p.47-54.

  78. Some liniar connections and Riemannian submersions (cu K.Buchner si G.Baditoiu) Bulletin Math. Soc. Math. Roumanie, t.41, no.3 (1998), p.149-169.

  79. Harmonic Maps and f-structures with parallelezable kernel (cu A.M.Pastore) in "New Developments in Differential Geometry" (Ed.J.Szenthe) p.143-154, Kluwer Acad.Publ., 1998.

  80. Some remarks on semi-Riemannian submersions with totally umbilic fibres (cu G.Baditoiu), Preprint IMAR, No.3, 1999.

  81. Harmonic Maps and morphisms on metric contact manifolds (cu C.Gherghe si A.M.Pastore) Rapporto No.29, Dip. Math. Univ. Bari, 1999 p.34.

  82. Harmonic Maps and Morphisms on metric f-manifolds with parallelizable kernel (cu A.M.Pastore) in: Proc. Conference "Harmonic Morphisms, Harmonic Maps amnd Related Topics" 7-11 July,1997, Brest(France), p.67-73, Chapman & Hall /CRC Press, London, 2000.

  83. Harmonic maps, Harmonic morphisms and stability (cu C. Gherghe şi A.M. Pastore) Bulletin Math.Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie, 43(91), No. 3-4, 247-254(2000)

  84. CR-manifolds, harmonic maps and stability (cu C.Gherghe si A.M.Pastore) Journal of Geometry (sub tipar) 2000.

  85. Semi-Riemannian Submersions from real and complex pseudo-hyperbolic spaces (cu G.Baditoiu). Preprint, Inst. "G.Castelnovo", Roma, maggio, 2000, va aparea in "Differential Geometry and Its Applications", vol.11 (2001).

  86. Maps interchanging f-structures and their harmonicity (cu K.Duggal si A.M.Pastore), Acta Applic. Math. 23(2001).

  87. On totally umbilical holomorphic submanifolds, (cu Rizza, G.B.) Riv. Mat. Univ. parma(6)2*(1000), 15-23(2000)

  88. Semi-Riemannian submersions from real and complex pseudo-hyperbolic spaces (cu Baditoiu G.), Differential Geom. Appl. 16(2000), no. 1, 79-94

  89. On sectional and bisectional curvature of the H-umbilical submanifolds (cu Rizza G.B.), Int. J. Math. Sci. 32(2002) no1. 17-27

  90. Semi-Riemannian submersions with totally umbilic fibres (cu Baditoiu G.), Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo (2) 51(2000) no.1, 249-276

  91. The nonholonomic spaces and connections of Vranceanu (Romanian), An. Univ. Bucuresti, Mat. 54(2005),no.1, 31-32

  92. Some foliations and harmonic morphisms, (cu Pastore A.M.), Rev. Roumanie,Math. Pures Appl. 50(2005) no. 5-6, 671-676

  93. A cohomology (p+1) form canonically associated with certain codimension-q foliations on a Riemannian manifold (cu Baditoiu G., Escobales R.H.), Tokyo J. Math. 29(2006), no.1, 247-270

  94. Real lightlike hypersurfaces of paraquaternionic Kahler manifolds, ( cu Mazzocco, R., Vîlcu G.E.), Mediterr.J.Math. 3(2006), no. 3-4, 581-592.

  95. Harmonic maps between quaternionic Kahler manifolds (cu Mazzucco R., Vîlcu G.E.)Journal Nonlineat Math. Phys. 15(2008), no.1 1-8

  96. Foliations on quaternionic CR-submanifolds (cu Ionescu A.M., Vîlcu G.E.)Huston Journal of Mathematics, Vol.33, No.3,(2008), 739-751

  97. Some constructions of almost para-hyperhermitian structures on manifolds and tangent bundles (cu Vîlcu G.E.), International J. of Geom. Methods in Modern Physics, Vol. 5, No.6(2008), 893-903

  98. Riemannian submersions from quaternionic manifolds, (cu Mazzucco R, Vîlcu G.E.), Acta Appl. Math., vol 104 (2008), no. 9, p. 83-89

  99. Some remarkable structures on Riemannian manifolds and Harmonic maps (cu A.M. Pastore), Tensor vol 69(2008) p. 179-189

  100. Hypesurfaces of paraquaternionic space forms (cu Vîlcu G.E) J. Gen. Lie Theory Appl., vol. 2(2008) no. 3, p 175-179

  101. Twistorial maps berween quaternionic manifolds (cu Marchiafava S, Ornea L, Pantilie R) Annali Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa (2009), sub tipar

  102. Conformal Killing-Yano tensors on manifolds with mixed 3 –structures (cu Vişinescu M, Vîlcu G.E.), Symmetry Integrability Geom. Methods Appl. vol 5(2009)

  103. Paraquaternionic manifolds and mixed 3-structures (cu Vîlcu G.E.) .) în Differential Geometry: Proceedings of the VIII International Colloquium (Spain), Editors J.A. Lopez, E. Garcia-Rio, World Sci. Pub. Co. (2009), p 276-289

  104. Hidden symmetries and Killing tensors on curved spaces (cu Vişinescu M., Vîlcu G.E.), Physics of Atomic Nuclei (2009) sub tipar

Lucrari diverse

  1. Asupra complexelor liniare de drepte,Gaz. Mat., Bucur., Ser. A 70, 331-333 (1965).

  2. Gheorghe Vranceanu si geometria diferentiala globala (cu Iulian Popovici) C.N.G.T. XI, "80 de ani de la nasterea profesorului Vranceanu" p.79-86, Vaslui-Valea Hogei-Bacau, Tipog. Univ. Craiova, 1980.

  3. Iulian Popovici - stralucit geometru roman (cu L.Nicolescu, A.Turtoi, N.Soare) Studii si Cerc. Matem. 34, 5(1982) p.449-457.

  4. Geometrie si Relativitate in vol. Matematica in lumea de azi si de maine, Academia Romana, p.165-169 (1985).

  5. Gheorghe Vranceanu: Considerations of the Application of Einstein´s theory in Romania. Today, No. 4 (377) pp.51-56, Bucharest, 1986.

  6. Gh.Titeica – Fondatorul scolii de geometrie din tara noastra. Gazeta Matematica, Numar jubiliar, Nr.9, p.399-401, 1995.

  7. Gheorghe Titeica geometru de reputatie mondiala,Gazeta Matematica-B,
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