Associate professor dr. ADRIANA TURTOI


Scientific papers

  • 1. Les tenseurs de courbure de $VI$-e ordre dans $V_n$ Bull. Math. de la Soc. Math. Phys. de la R.P.R., 4 (52), 1-2, 1961, p. 91-105 (in colab. cu A Popovici).Z.B.117
  • 2. Algebre diedrice generale , An. Univ. Bucuresti 13, 2, 1964, p.153-165.
  • 3. Generalized spinor structure, Proceedings of the Conference on Clifford Algebra, its Generalizations and Applications (30 Ianuary-1st February 1972) Matscience, The Institut of Mathematical Sciences, Madras 20, p. 97-112 (in colab. cu I. Popovici).M.R. #7244 (vol.50,4)
  • 4. Espaces de Wagner et formes reelles de Jordan de type $D$ , Rev. Roum. Math. pures et appl., 16, 1, 1971, p. 111-120. M.R.218 #53025.
  • 5.Sur les connexions spinorielles , Rev, Roum. Math. pures et appl., 15, 9, 1970, p. 1501-1505 (in colab. cu I. Popovici). M.R.43 #5436(vol43, 4)
  • 6. Sur les espaces bidimensionels a connexion constante I} , Bull. Math. de la Soc. Sci. Math. de la R. S .Roum., 23 (71), 4, 1979, p. 373-389 (in colab. cu I. Popovici). #81d:53014
  • 7. Sur une classe d'espaces de Einstein Annali di Matematica pura ed applicata (IV), 109, 1976, p. 117-133 (in colab. cu I. Popovici).M.R. 54 #13809
  • 8. Prolongement des structures spinorielles, Ann. Inst. H. Poincare, 20, 1, 1974, p. 21-39 (in colab. cu I. Popovici).M.R.294, #53014
  • 9.Prelungirea structurilor spinoriale ale unei varietati de dimensiune impara St. Cerc. Mat., 25, 5, 1973, p. 773-783.M.R.261, 53017 #8387
  • 10. Modele geometrice ale teoriei relativitatii. Prelungirea structurilor spinoriale ( Rezumatul tezei de doctorat), Centrul de multiplicare al Universitatii din Bucuresti, Bucuersti, 1972, 20p.
  • 11. Some maximal graduation classes and their Riemannian properties}, Scripta Fac. Sci. Nat. UJET Brunensis, Arch. Mat., 1, 7, 1971, 31-46 ( in colab. cu I. Popovici si R. Iordanescu). #7319(vol46,5)
  • 12. Proprietes metriques des formes reelles de Jordan de type AII,$} Rev. Roum. Math. pures et appll., 15, 2, 1970, p. 303-314 (in colab. cu I. Popovici).M.R. 42, #998,1971
  • 13. Proprietes de prolongement dans la theorie des spineurs , An. Univ. Timisoara, 11, 2, 1973, p. 153-158 (in colab. cu I. Popovici).
  • 14. La construction d'une metrique d'espace de Wagner sur une variete produit , Bull Math. Soc. Sci. de la R. S. R., 22 (70), 4, 1978, p. 431-437.M.R. #80l:53018
  • 15. Unele probleme privind predarea geometriei, Lucrarile Simpozionului National ''Gh. Titeica" Craiova, 1978, p.123-130 ( in colab. cu I. Popovici si Al. Brezuleanu).M.R.81j:930066
  • 16. Unele probleme privind predarea geometriei, Studii si Cercetari Matematice, 2, 31, 1979, p. 159-163. (in colab. cu I. Popovici si Al. Brezuleanu)
  • 17. Computation of areas on earth-ellipsoid , Proceedings II of the International Symposium on Applications of Mathematics in System Theory, 27-30 December 1978, p.231-238 (in colab. cu I. Popovici, I. Cuculescu, Al. Brezuleanu) #81j:930066, 86A30(65D30)
  • 18. Asupra caracterizarii omologice a unei fibrari de tip Yano-Ishihara, Colocviul National de Geometrie si Topologie, Vaslui, Valea Hogei, Bacau, iunie 1980 (in colab. cu I. Popovici si N. Soare)- Proceedings, pp
  • 19. O generalizare a teoremei Boothby-Wang Colocviul National de Geometrie si Topologie, Vaslui, Valea Hogei, Bacau (in colab. cu I. Popovici si N. Soare) Proceedings, pp. 247-251.
  • 20. Asupra definirii si constructiei claselor Chern , in ''Capitole speciale de Geometrie diferentiala'', Tipografia Universitatii din Bucuresti, Bucuresti 1981, p. 162-174.
  • 21. Spatii cu conexiune constanta si algebre Jordan, Lucrarile Colocviului National de Geometrie, Busteni, 27-30 iunie 1981, Tipografia Universittii din Bucuresti Bucuresti 1981, p.296-302 ( in colab. cu I.Popovici).
  • 22.Generalized Spinor Structure , Preprint nr 7, Institutul de Matematica al Academiei R.S.R., Bucuresti 1971, 13p. ( in colab. cu I. Popovici).
  • 23. A generalization and a new proof of E.C.Zeeman's Theorem, Proceedings of the National Coloquium on Geometry and Topology, Cluj Napoca and Targu Mures, sept. 1982.
  • 24.Iulian Popovici, stralucit geometru roman, Studii si Cercetari Matematice, 34, 5, 1982, p.444-457 (in colab. cu Stere Ianus, Liviu Nicolescu,Nicolae Soare). #84f:01067(01A70)
  • 25. Sur un espace a connexion constante de la deuxieme espece, Rev. Roum. Math. pures et appl., 30, 1985, p.667-677 (in colab. cu I. Popovici) M.R. #87d:53047
  • 26. Sur la topologie de l'espace de Minkowski, An. Univ. Bucuresti, 36, 1984, p.13-18 (in colab. cu D. Radulescu si Al. Brezuleanu). #86c:51016,51H10(51B20,83A05)
  • 27. Quelques applications geometriques des proprietes de nilpotence et idempotence Bull. Math.,30, 2, 1986, p.149-157 ( in colab. cu Liviu Nicolescu).M.R. #87j:53054
  • 28.Sur un fibre algebrique de Jordan, in Proceedings of the National Conference on Geometry and Topology, Timisoara, 1984, p.309-311.
  • 29. Asupra fibrarilor Jordan, Studii si Cercet u ari Matematice, 37, 5, 1985, p.484-492.M.R. #87h:53094
  • 30.Sur les invariants d'un tissu, Proceedings of the National Conference on Geometry and Topology, Targoviste 1986. Bucuresti, Universitatea din Bucuresti, Facultatea de Matematica, p.307-310.M.R. #89k:53019 53A60; .
  • 31. Sur une generalization de la notion de tissu, Studii si Cercetari Matematice,1988, 40, 6, p.539-545.M.R. #89k:53018;
  • 32.Metrici pseudoriemanniene pe fibrari Clifford, in ''Proprietati ale spatiilor Riemann'', Tipografia Universitatii Bucuresti, Bucuresti, 1988.
  • 33. Quelques observations sur les tissus, Bull. la Soc. Sci. Math. de la R.S.R., 32, 4, 1988, p.363-370.M.R. #91g:53018
  • 34. Quelques proprietes des fibres de Clifford, Babes Bolyai Univ., Fac. of Math. and Phys., Preprint no 2, 1988, p.203-210.M.R. #90f:530353C50(55R10);
  • 35.About the supermanifolds , Bull. la Soc. Sci. Math. de la Roum., 3, 1990, p.275-285. #92h:58015
  • 36.Structura spinoriala sau structura de spatiu Einstein? Studii si Cercet u ari Matematice (Mathematical Reports), 3, 45, 1993, p.275-283. #94i:53044
  • 37. About a metric connection on a supermanifold , Proceed. of the XX-th. NCGT, Timisoara, October 5-7, 1989.
  • 38. Sur la derivation spinorielle totale, An. Univ. Bucuresti, Mat.,42-43,1994, p.93-95. #95j:53024
  • 39. Sous-varietes totalement isotropes d'une variete pseudo-riemannienne, Bull. Math. de la Soc. Sc. Math. de la Roumanie, 39,(87), 1-4, 1996.
  • 40.Structure spinorielle ou structure d'Einstein? Proceedings of NCGT Suceava 1988, Tipografia Universitatii Bucuresti 1989.
  • 41 Sur une connexion spinorielle , Proceedings of the 22 Conf. on Differential Geometry and Topology, Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest, Sept. 9-13, 1991
  • 42. About a Spin Structure on a Twistor Space , Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Romanian Society of Mathematical Sciences, Bucharest, 1997 May 29$^{th}-$June 1$^{st},$ I,p.307-310.
  • 43. Prolongation of Spin Structures on Twistor Space , An. Univ. Bucuresti, XLVII(1988), 2, p.235-246.
  • 44. The manifold of Euclidian inner products, Proceedings of The fourth International Workshop on Differential Geometry and its Applications, Brasov-Romania, September 16-22, 1999, Transilvania University Press, p.285-288.
  • 45. Sur les espaces a connexion constante, Lucrarile Centenarului Gheorghe Vranceanu- se publica in numarul omagial al Bull. Math.-dat la publicat -iulie 2000-.
  • 46.Proprietes metriques des graduations maximales normees, IV-eme Congres des Mathematiciens d'Expression Latine et Comemoration d'Elie Cartan, Resumees, Bucuresti-Brasov, 17-24 Sept.1969, pp.107-108.

    Monographs and textbooks

  • 1. GRADUARI SIMPLE JORDAN SI LIE CONSIDERATE IN GEOMETRIA DIFERENTIALA, Editura Academiei, Bucuresti, 1971. 191p in colab.) M.R.40 #7319
  • 2. GEOMETRIE, Tipografia Universitatii Bucuresti, Bucuresti, 1982, 189 p.
  • 3. ELEMENTE DE GEOMETRIE EUCLIDIANA PLANA, Tipografia Universitatii din Bucuresti, Bucuresti, 1981, 308p.(in colab.)
  • 4. ELEMENTE DE GEOMETRIE EUCLIDIANA PLANA, Editura Didactica si Pedagogica, Bucuresti, 1976(in colab.)
  • 5. GEOMETRIE, Tipografia Universitatii din Bucuresti, Bucuresti, 1985, 199p.
  • 7. GEOMETRIE, Editura Universitatii din Bucuresti, Bucuresti, 1996, 205p. li>8. O INTRODUCERE IN GEOMETRIE, Fundatia Theta, Bucuresti, 2000, 224p.(in colab. cu L. Ornea)