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Name Country TALK
A. Aramova Bulgaria Algebraic Shifting Theory
L. Badescu Romania Extending Formal Functions in Algebraic Geometry
A. Braicov Moldova Title to be announced
W. Bruns Germany Canonical modules of Rees algebras
C. Borcea U.S.A. Association for flag configurations
S. Cojocaru Moldova Bergmann: new possibilities for non-commutative computations
A. Conca Italy Koszul homology and extremal properties of Gin and Lex
M. Chardin France Bounds for Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity in terms of degrees of defining equations
S.-D. Cutkosky U. S. A. Local Monomialization of Morphisms
A. Dimca France Alexander invariants of hypersurfaces
D. Eisenbud U. S. A. Restricting Linear Syzygies
V. Ene Romania Maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules over hypersurface rings
S. Goto Japan Towards a theory of Gorenstein m-primary integrally closed ideals
J. Herzog Germany Koszul Modules
C. Ionescu Romania About torsion in tensor powers and flatness
T. Hibi Japan Groebner Bases and Integer Programming
M. Kreuzer Germany Optimised Groebner basis computations
L. Robbiano Italy Zero-dimensional Systems of Polynomial Equations
G. Pfister Germany A problem in group theory solved by SINGULAR
M. Popa Moldova Graded algebras of the comitants of the systems of differential equations and their applications to the classification of Gl(2, R)-orbits
V. Popa Moldova On LCA groups whose continuous endomorphisms commute
D. Popescu Romania Sequentially Cohen-Macaulay modules with applications to Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity
S. Popescu U. S. A. Exterior algebra methods, syzygies and geometry
M. Rossi Italy Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity and finiteness of Hilbert functions
P. Schenzel Germany On birational Macaulayfications and C-M canonical modules
V. Ufnarovski Moldova SAGBI bases and resultants
V. Vuletescu Romania Graded maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules of small rank
Y. Yoshino Japan Modules of G-dimension 0 over a local ring with $m^3=0$.
S. Zarzuela Spain Linearization of local cohomology modules