
  • Lucian Bădescu (Genoa): "Grothendieck-Lefschetz Theory, Set-Theoretic Complete Intersections and Rational Normal Scrolls."(Abstract)
  • Gavril Farkas (Berlin): "The classification of the universal Jacobian over the moduli space of curves." (Abstract)
  • András Némethi (Budapest): "Multi-variable Poincaré series, lattice cohomology and Seiberg-Witten invariants." (Abstract)
  • Liviu Ornea (Bucharest): "Locally conformally Kähler geometry: recent results."(Abstract)
  • Ştefan Papadima (Bucharest): "From a conjecture of Lang to finiteness properties of Torelli groups." (Abstract)
  • Mihai Păun (Nancy): "Extensions of pluricanonical forms and applications." (Abstract)
  • Christian Peskine (Paris): "Linear congruences and linear projection. Examples, results and conjectures." (Abstract)
  • Tudor Raţiu (Lausanne): "Geometric methods in control, optimization and image registration." (Abstract)
  • Francesco Russo (Catania): "On irreducible projective varieties $X^{r+1}\subset \P^N$ such that through $n\geq 2$ points there passes an irreducible curve of degree $d$." (Abstract)
  • Matei Toma (Nancy): "Stability of vector bundles with respect to mobile curves." (Abstract)

  • Updated October 8, 2010