List of publications
- T. Cioaca, B. Dumitrescu, M.S. Stupariu, Graph-Based Wavelet Representation of Multi-Variate Terrain Data, Computer Graphics Forum (2015), DOI: 10.1111/cgf.12670.
- M.S. Stupariu, A quiver approach to studying orbit spaces of linear systems, Systems and Control Letters 73 (2014), 1-5.
- M.S. Stupariu, Filtrations, weights and quiver problems, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 436 (2012), 648-658.
- I. Patru-Stupariu, M.S. Stupariu, R. Cuculici and A. Huzui, The integration of historical maps in landscape reconstruction. Case study: Sinaia, Romania
Journal of Maps, v 2011 (2011), 206-220.
- I. Patru-Stupariu, M.S. Stupariu, R. Cuculici and A. Huzui, Contribution of global indicators to landscape change modeling. Case study: Prahova Valley (Romanian Carpathians and Subcarpathians),
International Journal of the Physical Sciences, 6 (2011), 534-539.
- I. Patru-Stupariu, M.S. Stupariu and A. Huzui, Modele matematice utilizate pentru evaluarea vizuala in situ a peisajului – studiu de caz orasul Sinaia
(Mathematical models for visual landscape assessment. Case study: Sinaia),
Forum Geografic, Studii si cercetari de geografie si protectia mediului,
9 (2010), 133-138.
- M.S. Stupariu, I. Patru-Stupariu and R.Cuculici, Geometric approaches to computing 3D-landscape metrics,
Landscape Online, 24 (2010), 1-12.
- M.S. Stupariu, I. Patru-Stupariu and R.Cuculici, Geometric techniques in quantifying landscape irregularities,
in J. Breuste, M. Kozova, M. Finka (Eds.): European Landscapes in Transformation Challenges for Landscape Ecology and Management,
[European IALE Conference 2009, Salzburg, Austria, July, 12-16, 2009].
- I. Patru-Stupariu, M.S. Stupariu and R. Cuculici, Landscape metrics for assessment of mountain landscape using GIS applications,
Revista de Geomorfologie, 11 (2009), 59-62.
- M.S. Stupariu, Representations of quivers and associated gauge-theoretical problems,
Bull. of the Transilvania University of Brasov, series III, 1 (50) (2008), 387-394.
- M.S. Stupariu, Some properties of the $(G,\rho)$-monopoles,
Bull. of the Transilvania University of Brasov, series B, 14 (49) (2007), 315-323.
- M.S. Stupariu, A compactness criterion for quotients associated to linear actions,
Analele Universitatii din Bucuresti, Matematica, LVI (2007), 221-230.
- M.S. Stupariu, GIT-stability for a class of linear systems, Math. Reports, 9 (59) (2007), 377-384.
- I. Patru-Stupariu and M.S. Stupariu, Modele matematice utilizate pentru evaluarea in teren a peisajului (Mathematical models in terrain landscape assessment) , Comunicari de Geografie, XI (2007), 517-519.
- C. Voica and M.S. Stupariu, Teaching Linear Algebra to students in Informatics,
Proceedings CAIM 14, Romai Educational Journal 2 (2007), 74-77.
- C. Voica and M.S. Stupariu, Reprezentari mentale ale conceptelor de algebra liniara (Mental representations of basic linear algebra notions),
Bull. SSM, Proceedings of the RMS Conference, mai 2006.
- C. Voica and M.S. Stupariu, Un studiu privind invatarea spatiilor vectoriale (Teaching vector spaces),
Proceedings CAIM 13, Romai Educational Journal 1 (2006), 64-72.
- M. Halic and M.S. Stupariu, Rings of invariants for representations of quivers,
C.R.Acad.Sci.Paris, Ser.I 340 (2005), 135-140.
- M.S. Stupariu, Quotients in algebraic and symplectic geometry, Anual Report
2002, Institute of Mathematics, University of Leiden, 5-12.
- M.S. Stupariu, Stability in linear problems, Preprint
MI-2003-22, University of Leiden, 2003.
- M.S. Stupariu, On the $(G, \rho)$-monopole equations, Revue
Roumaine Math. Pures et Appliquees, 48 (2003), 311-326.
- M.S. Stupariu, The Kobayashi-Hitchin correspondence for vortex-type equations
coupled with Higgs fields (II), Math. Reports, 4 (54) (2002), 123-142.
- M.S. Stupariu, The Kobayashi-Hitchin correspondence for vortex-type equations
coupled with Higgs fields (I), Math. Reports, 3 (53) (2001),
- M.S. Stupariu, Dimensional reduction of monopole equations,
Math. Reports, 3 (53) (2001), 293-303.
- M.S. Stupariu, Sur les courbes
caracteristiques associees a l'algebre de
deformation des deux connexions lineaires, Studii si
cercetari matematice, 5-6 (49) (1997), 423-427.
- L. Nicolescu, I.E. Hirica and M.S. Stupariu, On conformally semisymmetric connections, An.Univ.Oradea, Fasc. Matem.,
V (1995-1996), pp. 135-149.
- L. Nicolescu, I.E. Hirica and M.S. Stupariu, Champs m-speciaux
dans l'algebre de deformation, An.Univ.Oradea, Fasc. Matem., V (1995-1996), 119-134.
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Last updated: 21.09.2015.