List of publications

  1. T. Cioaca, B. Dumitrescu, M.S. Stupariu, Graph-Based Wavelet Representation of Multi-Variate Terrain Data, Computer Graphics Forum (2015), DOI: 10.1111/cgf.12670.
  2. M.S. Stupariu, A quiver approach to studying orbit spaces of linear systems, Systems and Control Letters 73 (2014), 1-5.
  3. M.S. Stupariu, Filtrations, weights and quiver problems, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 436 (2012), 648-658.
  4. I. Patru-Stupariu, M.S. Stupariu, R. Cuculici and A. Huzui, The integration of historical maps in landscape reconstruction. Case study: Sinaia, Romania Journal of Maps, v 2011 (2011), 206-220.
  5. I. Patru-Stupariu, M.S. Stupariu, R. Cuculici and A. Huzui, Contribution of global indicators to landscape change modeling. Case study: Prahova Valley (Romanian Carpathians and Subcarpathians), International Journal of the Physical Sciences, 6 (2011), 534-539.
  6. I. Patru-Stupariu, M.S. Stupariu and A. Huzui, Modele matematice utilizate pentru evaluarea vizuala in situ a peisajului – studiu de caz orasul Sinaia (Mathematical models for visual landscape assessment. Case study: Sinaia), Forum Geografic, Studii si cercetari de geografie si protectia mediului, 9 (2010), 133-138.
  7. M.S. Stupariu, I. Patru-Stupariu and R.Cuculici, Geometric approaches to computing 3D-landscape metrics, Landscape Online, 24 (2010), 1-12.
  8. M.S. Stupariu, I. Patru-Stupariu and R.Cuculici, Geometric techniques in quantifying landscape irregularities, in J. Breuste, M. Kozova, M. Finka (Eds.): European Landscapes in Transformation Challenges for Landscape Ecology and Management, [European IALE Conference 2009, Salzburg, Austria, July, 12-16, 2009].
  9. I. Patru-Stupariu, M.S. Stupariu and R. Cuculici, Landscape metrics for assessment of mountain landscape using GIS applications, Revista de Geomorfologie, 11 (2009), 59-62.
  10. M.S. Stupariu, Representations of quivers and associated gauge-theoretical problems, Bull. of the Transilvania University of Brasov, series III, 1 (50) (2008), 387-394.
  11. M.S. Stupariu, Some properties of the $(G,\rho)$-monopoles, Bull. of the Transilvania University of Brasov, series B, 14 (49) (2007), 315-323.
  12. M.S. Stupariu, A compactness criterion for quotients associated to linear actions, Analele Universitatii din Bucuresti, Matematica, LVI (2007), 221-230.
  13. M.S. Stupariu, GIT-stability for a class of linear systems, Math. Reports, 9 (59) (2007), 377-384.
  14. I. Patru-Stupariu and M.S. Stupariu, Modele matematice utilizate pentru evaluarea in teren a peisajului (Mathematical models in terrain landscape assessment) , Comunicari de Geografie, XI (2007), 517-519.
  15. C. Voica and M.S. Stupariu, Teaching Linear Algebra to students in Informatics, Proceedings CAIM 14, Romai Educational Journal 2 (2007), 74-77.
  16. C. Voica and M.S. Stupariu, Reprezentari mentale ale conceptelor de algebra liniara (Mental representations of basic linear algebra notions), Bull. SSM, Proceedings of the RMS Conference, mai 2006.
  17. C. Voica and M.S. Stupariu, Un studiu privind invatarea spatiilor vectoriale (Teaching vector spaces), Proceedings CAIM 13, Romai Educational Journal 1 (2006), 64-72.
  18. M. Halic and M.S. Stupariu, Rings of invariants for representations of quivers, C.R.Acad.Sci.Paris, Ser.I 340 (2005), 135-140.
  19. M.S. Stupariu, Quotients in algebraic and symplectic geometry, Anual Report 2002, Institute of Mathematics, University of Leiden, 5-12.
  20. M.S. Stupariu, Stability in linear problems, Preprint MI-2003-22, University of Leiden, 2003.
  21. M.S. Stupariu, On the $(G, \rho)$-monopole equations, Revue Roumaine Math. Pures et Appliquees, 48 (2003), 311-326.
  22. M.S. Stupariu, The Kobayashi-Hitchin correspondence for vortex-type equations coupled with Higgs fields (II), Math. Reports, 4 (54) (2002), 123-142.
  23. M.S. Stupariu, The Kobayashi-Hitchin correspondence for vortex-type equations coupled with Higgs fields (I), Math. Reports, 3 (53) (2001), 425-444.
  24. M.S. Stupariu, Dimensional reduction of monopole equations, Math. Reports, 3 (53) (2001), 293-303.
  25. M.S. Stupariu, Sur les courbes caracteristiques associees a l'algebre de deformation des deux connexions lineaires, Studii si cercetari matematice, 5-6 (49) (1997), 423-427.
  26. L. Nicolescu, I.E. Hirica and M.S. Stupariu, On conformally semisymmetric connections, An.Univ.Oradea, Fasc. Matem., V (1995-1996), pp. 135-149.
  27. L. Nicolescu, I.E. Hirica and M.S. Stupariu, Champs m-speciaux dans l'algebre de deformation, An.Univ.Oradea, Fasc. Matem., V (1995-1996), 119-134.

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Last updated: 21.09.2015.