Grant no: PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2021-1633
Contract no: TE 85/2022
Title: New results for combinatorially defined algebras
Principal investigator: Dr. Dumitru I. Stamate (CV)
Financing institution: Unitatea Executiva pentru Finantarea Invatamantului Superior, a Cercetarii, Dezvoltarii si Inovarii, Romania (UEFISCDI)
Host institution: Research Center in Geometry, Topology and Algebra at the University of Bucharest, Romania.
Duration of the project: 15 May 2022 - 14 May 2024 (24 months)

Research team:
Description of the project:
In this project we considered problems in commutative algebra related to Groebner bases, free resolutions and persistence of the invariants through deformations, and also new extensions of the Gorenstein property. On one hand, we extended the theoretical framework, and on the other hand we treated concrete classes of combinatorially defined algebras. The problems we considered are of large interest in current research. The computation of numerical invariants (like Betti numbers, degree, dimension, (s-, h-)depth, etc.) is a challenge for many classes of algebras, hence we consider our work to have a significant impact.

[RO] In acest proiect am studiat probleme de algebra comutativa referitoare la baze Groebner, rezolutii libere, persistenta invariantilor la deformari, si noi extinderi ale proprietatii Gorenstein. Pe de o parte am extins cadrul teoretic, pe de alta parte am lucrat cu clase concrete de algebre definite combinatorial. Problemele tratate sunt de mare interes in cercetarea curenta, si rezultatele obtinute speram sa devina vizibile specialistilor. Calculul invariantilor numerici (numere Betti, grad, dimensiune, (s-, h-)depth, etc.) este o mare provocare pentru multe clase de algebre, si consideram astfel ca lucrarile obtinute sa aiba impactul dorit.

Publications and preprints:
  1. Dumitru I. Stamate, On the occurrence of complete intersections in shifted families of numerical semigroups, Research in the Mathematical Sciences vol 9 (2022), Article number: 32 (5 pp). DOI 10.1007/s40687-022-00328-0. Preprint version.
  2. Rodica Dinu, Francesco Navarra, Non-simple polyominoes of Konig type and their canonical module, preprint 2024, submitted. 30 pp. Preprint version available at arXiv:2210.12665 [math.AC].
  3. Mircea Cimpoeas, On a generalization of monomial groups, Monatshefte fur Mathematik, vol. 202, issue 1, September 2023, pages 53–64. DOI 10.1007/s00605-022-01762-6.
  4. Mircea Cimpoeas, Alexandru F. Radu, On supercharacter theoretic generalizations of monomial groups and Artin's conjecture, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal Vol. 72 (2022), No. 4, pp. 1065-1079. DOI 10.21136/CMJ.2022.0352-21.
  5. Mircea Cimpoeas, Alexandru F. Radu, On the monoid algebra associated to the monomial characters of a finite group, Quaestiones Mathematicae Vol. 46 (2023), Issue 10, 2065-2078. DOI 10.2989/16073606.2022.2142862. Preprint version available at arXiv:2205.13597 [math.RT].
  6. Juergen Herzog, Shinya Kumashiro, Dumitru I. Stamate, The tiny trace ideals of the canonical modules in Cohen-Macaulay rings of dimension one, Journal of Algebra 619 (2023), 626-642. DOI 10.1016/j.jalgebra.2022.12.026.
  7. Antonino Ficarra, Juergen Herzog, Dumitru I. Stamate, Vijaylaxmi Trivedi, The canonical trace of determinantal rings, 10 pp. Submitted. Preprint version available at arXiv:2212.00393 [math.AC].
  8. Mircea Cimpoeas, Adrian Gabriel Neacsu, Geometrical isomorphisms between categories of fuzzy coverings and fuzzy partitions, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Volume 461, 15 June 2023, 108493. DOI 10.1016/j.fss.2023.02.014. Preprint version available at arXiv:2210.07948 [GM].
  9. Silviu Balanescu, Mircea Cimpoeas, Depth and Stanley depth of powers of the path ideal of a path graph, Preprint 16 pp., submitted. Preprint version available at arXiv:2303.01132 [math.AC] .
  10. Silviu Balanescu, Mircea Cimpoeas, Christian Krattenthaller, On the quasi depth of monomial ideals, Preprint 18 pp, submitted. Preprint version available at arXiv:2306.09450 [math.AC]
  11. Mircea Cimpoeas, Alexandra Teodor, A note on the restricted k-multipartition function, UPB Scientific Bulletin-Series A, Volume 85, Issue 3, 2023, Page 11-18.
  12. Rodica Dinu, Martin Vodicka, Phylogenetic degrees for claw trees, Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A, Volume 206, August 2024, 105886. DOI 10.1016/j.jcta.2024.105886 . Preprint version available at arXiv:2303.16812 [math.AG].
  13. Rodica Dinu, Martin Vodicka, Classification of normal phylogenetic varieties for tripods, Preprint 13 pp. Submitted. Preprint version available at arXiv:2309.05301 [math.AG].
  14. Rodica Dinu, Francesco Navarra, On the rook polynomial of grid polyominoes, Preprint 28 pp. Submitted. Preprint version available at arXiv:2309.01818 [math.CO].
  15. Rodica Dinu, Nayana Shibu-Deepthi, (S_2)-condition of edge rings for cactus graphs, Preprint 13 pp. Submitted. Preprint version available at arXiv:2402.17413 [math.AC].
  16. Rodica Dinu, Martin Vodicka, Phylogenetic degrees for Jukes-Cantor model. Preprint 21 pp. Submitted. Preprint version available at arXiv:2405.20184 [math.AG].
  17. Antonino Ficarra, Juergen Herzog, Dumitru I. Stamate, The toric ring of one dimensional simplicial complexes, Preprint 16 pp. Submitted. Preprint version available at arXiv:2306.05020 [math.AC].
  18. Silviu Balanescu, Mircea Cimpoeas, Depth and Stanley depth of powers of the path ideal of a cycle graph, Preprint 15 pp. Submitted. Preprint version available at arXiv:2303.15032 [math.AC].
  19. Silviu Balanescu, Mircea Cimpoeas, Several combinatorial inequalities related to squarefree monomial ideals, Preprint 8 pp. Submitted. Preprint version available at arXiv:2307.03018 [math.AC].
  20. Silviu Balanescu, Mircea Cimpoeas, On the Hilbert depth of the Hilbert function of a finitely generated graded module, Preprint 12 pp. Submitted. Preprint version available at arXiv:2308.14031 [math.AC].
  21. Silviu Balanescu, Mircea Cimpoeas, On the arithmetic Hilbert depth, Preprint 17 pp. Submitted. Preprint version available at arXiv:2309.10521 [math.AC].
  22. Silviu Balanescu, Mircea Cimpoeas, Remarks on the Hilbert depth of squarefree monomial ideals, Preprint 10 pp. Submitted. Preprint version available at arXiv:2310.12339 [math.AC].
  23. Silviu Balanescu, Mircea Cimpoeas, Remarks on the Hilbert depth of powers of the maximal graded ideal, Preprint 11 pp. Submitted. Preprint version available at arXiv:2311.11079 [math.AC].
  24. Andreea I. Bordianu, Mircea Cimpoeas, Remarks on the Stanley depth and Hilbert depth of monomial ideals with linear quotients, Preprint 10 pp. Submitted. Preprint version available at arXiv:2102.07196 [math.AC].
  25. Silviu Balanescu, Mircea Cimpoeas, Thanh Vu, Betti numbers of powers of path ideals of cycles, Preprint 27 pp. Submitted. Preprint version available at arXiv:2404.17880 [math.AC].
  26. Mircea Cimpoeas, Dumitru I. Stamate, On Betti numbers for intersections of ideals associated to numerical semigroup rings. In preparation.
Scientific reports:
Research stages abroad funded by the grant:
    2022: 2023:
    • Dumitru Stamate at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Campus Essen, Germany, May 2023 (2 weeks). Host: Prof. Juergen Herzog.
    • Dumitru Stamate at the University of Genova, Italy, September 2023 (2 weeks). Host: Dr. Francesco Strazzanti .
Invited specialists :
Dissemination of the results. Conference and seminar talks:
  1. Dumitru Stamate, Ulrich elements in normal affine semigroup rings, Algebra Seminar, University of Pisa, 17 May 2022.
  2. Dumitru Stamate, Ulrich elements in normal affine semigroup rings, INdAM Workshop: International Meeting on Numerical Semigroups 2022, Rome, Italy, 13-17 June 2022.
  3. Mircea Cimpoeas, A note on the monomial characters of a wreath product of groups, C.A.I.M. 29th edition, Universitatea de stat din Tiraspol, 25-28 August 2022, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova.
  4. Mircea Cimpoeas, Almost monomial groups, Yearly Conference of SSMR, the Romanian Mathematical Society, Universitatea Politehnica din Bucuresti, 22 October 2022, Bucharest, Romania.
  5. Dumitru Stamate, On the occurrence of complete intersections in shifted families of numerical semigroups, FMI-IMAR Commutative Algebra Seminar, 8 November 2022.
  6. Mircea Cimpoeas, On the monomial algebra associated to the monomial characters of a finite group, FMI-IMAR Commutative Algebra Seminar, 15 November 2022.
  7. Rodica Dinu, Non-simple polyominoes of Koenig type, FMI-IMAR Commutative Algebra Seminar, 10 January 2023.
  8. Rodica Dinu, Gorenstein property for phylogenetic trivalent trees, Workshop on Combinatorial and Algebraic Aspects on Lattice Polytopes, Kwansei Gakuin University, Hyogo, Japan, 21 February 2023.
  9. Mircea Cimpoeas, Depth and Stanley depth of powers of some classes of monomial ideals, FMI-IMAR Commutative Algebra Seminar, 7 March 2023.
  10. Dumitru Stamate, Rings with tiny canonical trace ideals, FMI-IMAR Commutative Algebra Seminar, 25 April 2023.
  11. Dumitru Stamate, Progress on canonical trace ideals, Algebra Seminar, University of Pisa, Italy, 17 May 2023.
  12. Mircea Cimpoeas, On the monoid algebra associated to the monomial characters of a finite group, Workshop for Young Researchers in Mathematics – 12th Edition, Universitatea “Al.I. Cuza” Iasi, Romania, 19 May 2023.
  13. Mircea Cimpoeas, On the quasi depth of monomial ideals, The 28th National School on Algebra: Interactions between Algebra and Geometry in Bucharest, University of Bucharest, Romania, 24 June 2023.
  14. Mircea Cimpoeas, On almost monomial groups, 10th Congress of Romanian Mathematicians, University of Pitesti, Romania, 4 July 2023.
  15. Rodica Dinu, On varieties coming from phylogenetic group-based modelss, Special Session on Homological Methods in Commutative Algebra, 10th Congress of Romanian Mathematicians, University of Pitesti, Romania, 4 July 2023.
  16. Dumitru Stamate, Progress on canonical trace ideals, 10th Congress of Romanian Mathematicians, University of Pitesti, Romania, 4 July 2023.
  17. Dumitru Stamate, Canonical trace ideals and Gorenstein related properties, Algebra and Gemetry Seminar, University of Genova, Italy, 19 September 2023.
  18. Teodor Grigorescu, Far flung Gorenstein semigroups of small type, FMI-IMAR Commutative Algebra Seminar, 3 October 2023.
  19. Mircea Cimpoeas, Quasi depth for monomial ideals, (I), (II), FMI-IMAR Commutative Algebra Seminar, 10, 17 October 2023.
  20. Mircea Cimpoeas, On the action of the Hecke group H(2) on subsets of quadratic fields, Number Theory Seminar, IMAR, Romania, 22 November 2023.
  21. Dumitru Stamate, Periodicity results for Betti numbers of intersections of ideals, FMI-IMAR Commutative Algebra Seminar, 16 January 2024.
  22. Dumitru Stamate, Peridicity for Betti numbers in some families of ideals, Genova - Torino - Milano Seminar, Dipartimento di Matematica, Universita degli Studi di Milano, Italy, 6 February 2024.
  23. Rodica Dinu, poster presentation at the Network Meeting of the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation, University of Konstanz, Germany, 21-23 February 2024.
  24. Mircea Cimpoeas, "Busy beavers" and the Riemann hypothesis, Number Theory Seminar, IMAR, Romania, 28 February 2024.
  25. Dumitru Stamate, Ulrich elements and slim affine semigroups, 1st Geometry and Algebra in Combinatorics Workshop, Los Silos, Tenerife, Spain, 5 April 2024.
  26. Mircea Cimpoeas, Quasi depth is a misnomer for Hilbert depth, FMI-IMAR Commutative Algebra Seminar, 9 April 2024.
  27. Rodica Dinu, Algebraic degrees of phylogenetic varieties, FMI-IMAR Commutative Algebra Seminar, 16 April 2024.
Events organized:
Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica, Universitatea din Bucuresti
Unitatea Executiva pentru Finantarea Invatamantului Superior, a Cercetarii, Dezvoltarii si Inovarii, Romania (UEFISCDI)